弁護士・ニューヨーク州弁護士 紫牟田 洋志
弁護士 隈 慧史
April 2017.
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are delighted to announce that Ms. Maki Sonoda has joined our firm from this month. She has practiced law for 8 years with rich experiences especially in the field of corporate laws, insolvency and intellectual property. She also had practiced as a general counsel at the International Legal Department of Kyushu University. Prior to her appointment, she supported Japanese companies to expand their business at the law firm in California, United States. With her experience and extensive background in law, we are sure her participation will expand our range of services and enhance our law firm. We would like to thank all who have supported our law firm and we are looking forward to provide a higher level of service with our enriched team.
Shimuta Law Firm
弁護士 園 田 真 紀
April 2017.
I really appreciate your continuous support and I am excited to join Shimuta Law Firm. I have been working as an attorney for eight years and have had various experiences in general corporate laws, civil cases and international legal practices. Through such experiences, I re-realized compliance and conflict prevention are important for companies, whether they are doing their business in domestic market or international one. Shimuta Law Firm specializes in corporate laws and real estate, and I sympathize with its philosophy that is to contribute to a local society by providing high-quality legal services. I am delighted to work as a member of Shimuta Law firm and will do my best to enhance the firm.
Maki Sonoda