日時:平成30年2月8日 18時30分~
場所:STARTUP CAFE(福岡市中央区の旧大名小学校内)
登壇者:株式会社COTEN CEO 深井龍之介氏
FECC相談員 隈 慧史弁護士
FECC相談員 橋下道成弁護士
申込み・問合せ先:メール info@fukuoka-ecc.jp, 電話 080-1001-4675
Keishi kuma will speak at an event held at Fukuoka Startup Cafe on the topic about diversified working styles.
Please participate in this event if you are interested in.
Date: Feburuary 8, 2018
Start time: 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Startup cafe, located at the former Daimyo elementary School, Chuoku, Fukuoka
Organizers: FECC, Cabinet Office of Japan and Ministry of Health, Labor and Wealth.
Speakers: Ryunosuke Fukai, the CEO of COTEN Inc.
Keishi kuma, a legal counseler of FECC
Michishige Hashimoto, a legal counseler of FECC
Entrance fee: Free
Qualifications for application: Anyone can participate in this event. The capacity of 40.
Application for particication or inquiry:
email info@fukuoka-ecc.jp, phone 080-1001-4675